I took this photo this morning of our camp. With Millie the big bus and Mildred her smaller sister standing proud at our camp.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Vryburg to Hartbeespoort dam.
The Vryburg show ended late Saturday night and after closing the stall we retired back to the bus very tired . Sunday morning we slept in and only started to pack up the stall after 10:00. While Anita and I where packing the stall away Aluschka started lunch and when we finally finished at 2:00 we all had a lovely Sunday lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spend taking naps and packing away the rest of the stuff and getting ready for Tuesday's travelling.
We left at 6:00 on Tuesday morning after refueling the two buses at the diesel depo on the outskirts of Vryburg .The roads through the old "Wes Transvaal" had almost no traffic and we made good time driving through the old farm town's . It was a nice enjoyable drive all the way until we came to the small town of Hekpoort when we almost had a series accident. a Drunken native with a really small pickup came from a side road and drove rite in front off the bus I slammed on the brakes and with stuff falling in the bus and the children screaming I managed to avoid the accident . When we arrived at the campground I was still shaking and upset,the children was exited to be at the campground and already forgot the ordeal .
Monday, 21 April 2014
Monday, 14 April 2014
Christians Diggers Festival 2014
We are still In the town of Christiana.
We survived the week at the festival whilst the surrounding towns and native settlements where in uproar. We really did not feel safe at this time. I spoke to the officer in command at the local Police station and to the show officials about our safety and they confirmed that there's real concerns for our safety but that they're doing everything in their power to keep us save. The towns of Christians and Bloemhof are the ones that's affected the most at this time.
The native people live in townships outside of the towns that is run and serviced by the town council, the town council is run by the ruling political party and that is the ANC GOVERNMENT. The counselors that is suppose to work for the PEOPLE are so corrupt that there's no real services in the towns and townships. And that is way the people are burning the offices down and blocking the roads with burning tires and rocks. I must say that I don't condone the burning of buildings and closing of roads at all but what else is their YOU can do while your counselors are building beautiful houses and driving Mercedes Benz cars with stolen government money that was suppose to be spent on services in the towns and townships and the ANC GOVERNMENT DOES NOTHING TO STOP THEM? Our State President Mr Zooma used R250,000000 to rebuild his own private home with stolen government money.
What else is their that we the PEOPLE can do ?
Saturday, 5 April 2014
"Jallin the Drom" Taking the Road.

Relaxing after a long days drive.
From Beaufort West we left the next day to drive through the Great Karo.The best time of day to travel through this area is very early in the morning. We left the caravan park at 4.30 AM and reached the N1 at 5AM . With the day breaking I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the landscape around me and the smell of the veld that came to me through the open window reminded me of "Katbos and Kambro" as in the song by Connie De Viliers. This very special moments while travelling is what I will remember for years to come and is food for my wondering soul with out it I can not live.