This is how close we are camping to the beach. At the ATKV beach resort Hartenbos block E.

b Karla
Boeta and me having fun.

Karla making a rare apearince at the sweetstall.
This is how close we are camping to the beach. At the ATKV beach resort Hartenbos block E.
It's been a very busy thee month's since I last posted on my blog.
In the meantime we traveled from Weesgerus holiday resort to Rantfontein where we stayed with family for a week, before setting of to Botswana for ten day's, working. We decided to leave the bus in Rantfontein and instead, travel over the border with the Iveco motor home. By doing this we saved a lot of money not only on diesel but also we did not had to pay for a cross border permit for the Iveco because it's not a commercial vehicle like our bus conversion.
A ten day trip with the Iveco turned into a six week trip touring the Northern Cape.
Wile on this trip, friends told us of some houses going on a auction In the town of Grootvlei a hundred kilometres or so from Johanesburg. Anita and I talked to the children about bidding on a house we all liked. And it was decided that it would be a good idea to do so. The day of the auction our friend did the bidding on our behalf because we where on the other side of the country and that's how we became the proud owners of a house that we only saw on photos send to us by friends.
We arrived at the house three week's after the auction, although the house needed a lot of work we where exited to start with the renovation .
We decided to stay in the bus while renovating the house, so I parked the bus in the front yard and hooked up the cable for the electricity and we settled in for a time of hard work.
We first had to take out the old hard wood floors that was damaged. We all worked very hard removing the old floors, every one had blisters and cuts, sore knees and fingers after doing work we are not use to. We replaced the old wood floors that must have been beautiful in there day with lamented wood floors that's also hard wearing and almost as beautiful as the original wood floors.
After the floors were done and after a very good cleaning of the rest of the house that took several day's we moved our furniture and other belongings into the house and out of storage.
The storage of our worldly "rubbish" or belongings as Anita likes to call it, cost us R12000,00 for the two years we stored it this time. The previous time we stored it for ten years and it cost us more money than I care to remember. We are almost done with the big stuff and even the garden is starting to look better already.
That's all for now folks.
Cheers Karel.
We reluctantly left "Die Eiland" Holiday Resort on Friday morning for our next perfect stop over at "Weesgerus" holiday resort just a few kilometers from Nylsroom on the Vaalwater road. We drove 260km on this day,I decided to take the route that took us through Mojadji gorge and Mooketsi to Polokwane on to Potgietersrus (Makopane) and Naboomspruit (Mookgophong). This route is not nearly as mountainous as the more direct route through Magoebas gorge and the town of Haenertsburg. I have travelled this raod many times in the past and knows it well. We stopped for breakfast at the the Shell Ultracity on the N1 before resuming our journey. This road is a two lane highway and is a toll road all the way to Gauging and beyond, very expensive to travel on with the bus but so convenient.
We arrived at Nylstroom (Modimole) in the afternoon and refueled the bus at less than R14.00 per liter for a change. We drove to the resort and after checking in at the reception went off in search of our not so perfect spot. The camping site the lady at reception allocated to us after seeing our bus and decided that it's to big was way to far from the recreational area with no other campers nearby. So off to the office we went in the small bus to state our case. The lady understood and gave us a list of empty sites that we could choose from much closer to the pool area. I decided on a site that we could fit the bus in and set up camp. The camp filled up during the afternoon and we relaxed at the campfire while the children went for a swim in the heated pools.
Saturday morning we went to the local shopping mall to buy some necessities.
On our way back we stopped at the site where the English Commanders setup a concentration camp to keep the women and children during the English invasion and war against the two Afrikaner Republic's. It is heart breaking to see all the hundreds off graves many of them being those of young children that died dew to the lack off enough food and shelter in the harsh African climate. During this the second time that England made war here against the Transvaal Republic and the Republic of the Orange Free State, thousands of women and children died in these concentration camps. Some say it is the forgotten genocide of the Afrikaner people by the mighty British empire. Sadly it is part of our Afrikaner history, a important part of history my children need to known about.
After we had a perfect eleven day's in the Kruger National Park we left the park to drive 206 km to our next perfect, stop.
We exited the Park at Orpen gate on Friday morning on our way to the Eiland Holiday Resort. We stopped half way at the town of Hoedspruit to do some much needed shopping and to refuel the bus at the Cooperative. Hoedspruit is reliable on the game farms and there international tourists and the Hoedspruit Air Force base for it's revenues. We did our shopping and also had a late breakfast before setting
of to our next adventure.
We arrived at the resort not long after 14h00 and intime to get us a nice big sight close to the pool area. The sight the office assigned to us was way to small for the bus, but after a short fone call to the office everything was sorted out quickly and without any fuss. We settled in to our spot at a record time because the girls wanted to start enjoining all the resort had to offer. With heated pools, a putput course, superchope and many other activities they wasted no time at all.
We had lovely whether all the time, sunny warm day's, with night temperatures cooling down just enough to be comfortable. The day time temperatures stayed in the higher twenties. We even switched on the aircon in the afternoon's to cool the bus down to a comfortable temperature.
Morning's we did some school work with the girls and most afternoon's where spent at the pool relaxing in the warm water and speaking to others also enjoining the tranquillity of the afternoon's atmosphere around the pool. The resort is almost three quarters full, so there is no shortage of people to talk to.
And at only R500,00 for a midweek stay,
Ariving Sunday leaving the following
Fryday the price is just right for us fulltime travellers.
We left Nelspruit on Saturday 19 July after a enjoyable stay at the Hilltop caravan park. After refueling the bus we entered the Kruger National Park at the Malelane gate only for the day. Because our reservation was only from the Sunday in the Kruger and our month's stay at Hilltop caravan park ended on Saturday we decided to go in with our Wildcard for the day and wild camp for Saturday night. We enjoined the day in the park and exit the gate at Malelane just before closing time. We had to do some shopping at the SuperSpar in Malelane and after getting all we needed but before paying for the lot I asked the shop manager if it would be ok to camp in the parking area with our bus, he was only to happy with us being there for the night, and I noticed later on during the night that the security guards was paying close attention to the bus and our safety was never in doubt.
We left our night camp at seven o'clock on Sunday morning and after the formalities at the gate we started our adventure in the world famous Kruger National Park . We traveled slowly to Skukuza camp from the Malelane gate, it is only 64km to Skukuza with a speed limit of 50km/h on the main roads but experience has tought us that at 20km/h we see the most game and we have enough times stop with the bus and not loose our sighting .Skukuza is the administrative headquarters of the park and therefore also the largest of all the camp's. While Anita was doing the necessary at the reception Aluschka and I took a walk to the campground to look for a suitable spot to park the bus and make our camp. We found just the perfect spot and while I returned to fetch the bus she kept our spot safe because the campground was filling up fast with campers coming in to claim theirs.
We had a six day reservation in this camp and we intended to make the most of it . Now in retrospect we had a wonderful time at Skukuza with the most Lion sightings ever in the park and although we enjoy the hole park, Skukuza is our new favorite camp. We did many game drive's with the mini bus and the big bus but we all agree that we prefer to go on game drive's with the bus because of the height of the bus, we sit so much higher than any other vehicles and enjoy an clear view of the game. We particularly enjoyed turning off the engine and enjoining a sighting of Lions or Leopard for a hours with all the comforts that comes with our bus.