Monday, 21 May 2012

Pilansberg National Park South Africa.

ON our way to the park we could see that the park was burning and we where concerned that we chose the wrong time this year to visit the park.A few years ago a out of control  veld fire did major damage to the the park.Apart of the buildings that burned to the ground there was major concern about the animals that where lost and injured in the veld fire.  We arrived at Pilanesberg National Park Friday  at 15h00.After registration and paying our camping fees of R130,00 per night including electricity for 6 people we found our self a very nice spot to camp.We have been here at Manyane camp many times before and we enjoy the stay every time.We normally camp on the edge of the camping area in the bush but dew to the veld fire I chose a spot in the inner circle of the camp ground.Lucky for us because the veld fire burned through the night and burned right to the edge of the camp ground to where we normally camp.
Veld-fire near our camp.

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This is what Africa is all about, unspoilt Bush veld doted with Wildebeest,Rhinos and Elephants. 

The veld fire came close to our camp during Friday-night.

This time the veld fire was a controlled fire.The Game Rangers starts veld fires to burn off the bush to stimulate new grow when the summer rain starts.

Vlakie the Word-hog looking for a cooked meal.

A hot-air balloon ride to watch the game what a wonderful idea, but at over thousand Rand a person,no thanks.

The Wildebeest was liking the ground,that may seem strange but is perfectly normal.In winter the grass thy eat lacks some of the minerals thy need in there diet.In the ground thy are liking there is minerals and salt.

This Wildebeest gave me the stink eye for disturbing him.

We found this Jackal on his way to the waterhole.

The stripe pattern of Zebra is like the fingerprints not one is the same.

This Hippo was grazing during the day something thy only do in cooler weather.

A Kudu bull.

Our camping spot on the inner circle.